Pop-up stores are ideal for creating a buzz with experiential branding and testing new markets. Discover how TLC's adaptive display systems and high-quality graphics make your brand 'pop' and bring your pop-up store idea to life!
Pop-up stores are an adaptive, flexible, and short-term strategy to create a buzz about your brand or experiment with new markets.
While pop-ups are used extensively by small businesses that don't have a permanent brick-and-mortar store or by online retailers, large brands also find pop-up stores effective in engaging with brand fans and for experiential branding.
Create successful pop-ups using The Look Company's customizable adaptive display system. Our modular frame systems can be easily configured to create walls, displays, and temporary kiosks, with graphic elements that are easy to change out. High-quality visual displays help you generate buzz about new promotions, create brand awareness and drive sales of seasonal and in-vogue products.

Designing Displays for Pop-Up Stores
Pop-up stores may be temporary, but when it comes to visual merchandising and displays, they need the same retail design expertise as any large physical store. And in fact, pop-ups demand greater creativity – you can't afford to go wrong when you have only a limited amount of time to display your products or services in that location!
Display Systems for Successful Pop-Up Stores
Pop-up stores need display systems that are easy to assemble, with racks and fixtures that are easy to move to different locations and graphic displays that are easy to set up.
TLC delivers award-winning print graphics and innovative display solutions for pop-up events, creating memorable retail experiences for your target markets.
Our bold and vibrant SEG fabric prints are easy to change as they stretch over aluminum extrusion frames. The printed fabric panels are wrinkle-free and can easily be folded and stored once your pop-up event is over.
With retail graphics solutions from TLC, it's easy to launch a pop-up event and create stunning thematic displays to attract your target customer base and entice them to buy your products.
Our state-of-the-art lightboxes and immersive, large-format SEG prints will create an air of brand exclusivity around your pop-up store!

Bring Your Fabulous Pop-Up Store Ideas to Life with our Graphic Displays
Trendy, attractive pop-up stores drive foot traffic and give retailers a chance to engage with their existing customers and attract a new customer base.
But to do all this successfully, you need a robust visual merchandising strategy and execute the pop-up store design and architecture in a way that truly makes your brand 'pop.'
Custom graphics, lit or non-lit promotional displays, floor decals and banner stands are elements that contribute to the success of your pop-up store.
Pop-ups are usually located in spaces where people are passing by, so you need to be able to communicate your brand's offerings in a few seconds to grab their attention before they move past your booth.
Start with an interesting idea for your store or pick a theme or story which you can use in your visual merchandising. Engage shoppers and build an emotional connection with them!
Find an appropriate location for your pop-up store or event and partner with a company specializing in visual merchandising and retail display solutions to help you create stunning, modular pop-up displays.
Design memorable graphic signs and banners. Ensure the graphics you use in your pop-up store are large and easy to read. Include enough information for someone to quickly grasp what you are selling at a glance and entice them to stop and discover more! For example, use overhead banners for better visibility from a distance instead of table-level signs that passers-by can easily block.
Use backlit displays and clear pricing signs. TLC offers custom lightboxes that create a stunning visual effect using SEG printed fabric and a next-gen LED lighting system. Choose from a range of custom sizes and shapes with a variety of hanging, wall-mounted, or self-standing options, that are ideal for pop-up stores.
Create an instagrammable wall to encourage shoppers to take a snapshot and share it with their family and friends. Use our SEG printed media backdrops in stretch matte fabrics to create your selfie-worthy branded wall! Available in different sizes and custom formats, our instagrammable backdrops give your brand a 'social' flair!
Create a sensory experience to convert visitors into customers. Encouraging interactivity with your products is a winning sales strategy! For example, allow shoppers to try out a perfume, taste a product or sip a beverage while they browse.
Make an event out of it! Imagine a pop-up party event on a specific day! Invite guests for that day, and have simple, low-cost giveaways with a high perceived value. Make it interactive and engaging!

TLC: Your Preferred Print Partner for Eye-Catching Pop-Up Displays
The Look Company offers a range of visual engagement solutions to bring your pop-up idea to life! From modular framing systems to eye-catching lightboxes and changeable fabric displays, we have the perfect visual merchandising solutions and ideas for pop-up stores!
Talk to our retail specialists today for modular partitions, printed fabric displays, customizable frames, and more ideas for your pop-up store.