Furniture Showroom Display Ideas to Improve the In-Store Experience

A furniture showroom requires the creative use of color, lighting, and modular layouts to stimulate memorable experiences for customers. Find out how!

Innovative and inviting furniture showroom display ideas are essential components of retail selling strategies. Retailers want to create memorable experiences for their store visitors. Well-designed graphics and the creative use of color, lighting, and modular layouts are aspects to which furniture retailers must pay close attention.

The Look Company specializes in designing visual engagement display systems for retail.

Displays are Critical in Furniture Retail

In-store displays provide shoppers with information about your products and create a visual experience of the brand. They also play on the aspirational wants and give shoppers a sneak peek into the value the product will add to their lives. But they affect more than the look and feel of the store. 

Furniture Showroom Design Ideas

Essentially, your retail space has to be your most productive and most efficient salesperson, and visual displays optimize your retail store and maximum revenue. From storefront banners to wayfinding signs that lead customers to key areas in the store to modular product display units—in-store signage plays a crucial role in shaping the shopper's perception of your brand.

Here are some results that informative, engaging, and persuasive graphic displays bring you:  

  • Customers spend more time in the store when in-store graphics are engaging and tell a story.

  • When visitors spend more time in the store, it results in higher sales.

  • Customers who are impressed by the in-store experience are likely to share it on social media, by word-of-mouth, and through product reviews.

Furniture Showroom Display Ideas: Recreate Your Brand's Story

To make the most of in-store displays, first understand who will walk into the store, what they aspire for, and what kind of experience will wow them. 

Each area of the store has a special significance:

  • Entrances: Banners, window displays, and entrance signages must be inviting and create a pull with tempting offers, showcasing what the visitor can expect inside the store.

  • Floor spaces and aisles: Leave aisles open and uncluttered for a pleasant and leisurely experience, with wayfinding signage that encourages visitors to check out different sections.

  • Shelves and display units: Shelving units must house product displays at eye level, so they are within reach. Customized millwork and visual displays integrated with product displays are most effective.

  • Ceilings and walls: Use full-wall coverings and seamless graphics extending from the walls to the ceiling to provide an immersive ambiance.

Furniture Showroom Design Ideas

Display Systems that Create Immersive In-Store Experiences

Modular and changeable furniture showroom display systems are adaptable to the changing needs of your store, based on seasonality and supplier promotions. The Look Company provides self-standing product displays, on-the-wall frame displays, ceiling-hung frames, and self-standing accessory shelves. 

  • Modular partitions: Create easy-to-build walls and rooms that allow you to display different types of furniture. 

  • Lightboxes: Drive attention to specific areas and help shoppers visualize how their space will look with the furniture. For example, use a vivid backlit lightbox with photographs of festive, happy family dinners near dining room furniture displays.

  • Stimulating the senses:  Visual and tactile sensations are essential in furniture stores as those are the senses that customers use to assess furniture before they buy it. They look at the colors and shapes, feel the textures of upholstery, the smoothness of the wood, or how a cabinet or drawer opens out. For example, incorporate sounds of children's laughter in the kids' furniture section. Or, create an experiential display of DIY furniture where customers can try out small furniture assemblies. 

  • Color: color changes a customer's perception of the brand. Specific colors evoke certain emotions. Use color cleverly to create an ambiance that enhances the brand experience.

  • Lighting: Lighting changes the mood. Changing lights creates a dynamic environment. Brightly lit areas induce the customer into action—for example, bright lights near the checkout and payment counters. Softer lighting creates a contemplative, calm atmosphere where the customer can experience the product or the brand's story.

Furniture Showroom Design Ideas

The Future of Furniture Retail

Emerging technology makes it easier to create blended physical and digital solutions for a truly unique immersive experience for shoppers. TLC integrates digital screens into stands, kiosks and integrated fixtures. These displays can be customized with lightbox back lighting for specialized digital content delivery. We incorporate interactive applications into your product displays and signage that can easily connect to the customer's smartphone. Furniture retailers are increasingly adopting an omnichannel approach, but the ultimate goal remains to invite the customer to the in-store. For example, pop-up stores are an ideal touchpoint for many retailers. Though the concept has been around for a while, modular pop-up displays are gaining ground in the new post-pandemic scenario.  

Talk to TLC for modular and adaptable retail display systems, ideal for furniture retail and pop-up changeable displays within big-box retail stores. Get the most out of seasonal retail opportunities and supplier promotions with TLC's visual display solutions.